Hair Transplant with Stem Cells

Doubtlessly, hair lost prematurely is the greatest problem for millions of people in the world.
This loss affects the human life negatively from the psychological point of view, and the individual who suffers from hair loss looks for a solution to this problem.

In the hair transplant with stem cells, the patient's own stem cells are used.

In this newest hair transplant method that gives efficient results, the least pain and quick recovery are observed.

Thanks to its high recovery rate and regenerative potential, hair transplant with stem cells has become a choice preferred by the individuals who want to be protected against hair loss and regain their self-confidence by preventing the hair loss.
The injected stem cells activate the dead or damaged hair follicles and help hair growth and elimination of the hair loss problem for men and women.

Cupping Therapy (Hijama)

Cupping Therapy (Hijama)

The cupping therapy is a kind of excretory therapy and ensures that the harmful substances causing diseases are discharged from the body.

Ozone Therapy

Ozone Therapy

Oxygen, which has a very important part in life cycle, is also very important in medical treatments.

Hirudotherapy (Leech Therapy)

Hirudotherapy (Leech Therapy)

Help discharge of the toxins by sucking the dirty blood in the body thanks to 104 different bioactive substances in their structure.

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